(An Undertaking of Bhaktapur Municipality)
Khwopa College of Law
Affiliated to Purbanchal University
(Dedicated To Country & People)
  • Message from Principal

      Bhaktapur Municipality has a noble mission to provide top-notch education at an affordable cost to all strata of society. As a remarkable contributor to the educational sector's improvement, the municipality took the visionary step of establishing Khwopa College of Law, where our primary objective is to deliver exceptional legal education. We aim to nurture aspiring legal professionals who will become defenders of justice, uphold the rule of law, champion labor rights, and propel overall societal growth.

      We take immense pride in extending a warm welcome to students from diverse backgrounds, recognizing the invaluable contributions of diversity to the learning experience. At Khwopa College of Law, we believe that quality legal education is pivotal in advancing societal progress. Our students are empowered to become advocates for social justice, actively combat corruption, and ensure equal access to justice for all.

      In pursuit of excellence, our dedicated teaching faculties and staffs are more than instructors; they are patient mentors, fostering an environment where students excel in legal research and stay abreast of the latest developments in the legal field. By providing relevant and effective counsel, we equip our students with the skills to make a positive impact in society.

      Our ultimate goal is to shape our students into excellent professionals who demonstrate exceptional performance, empathy, intelligence, and an unwavering dedication to achieving justice for the people and the country. Through our comprehensive law degree programs, our graduates are well-prepared to address pressing issues and uphold the principles of fairness and equity, fostering a more just and progressive society for all citizens in our country. To enhance the student’s growth, we provide a State-of-the-art Library that boasts a well-stocked library with a vast collection of legal resources, books, journals, and research materials. It provides a serene and conducive space for students to immerse themselves in their studies and legal research.

      We believe in holistic development, and our college offers a wide range of co-curricular and extra-curricular activities to enrich the overall educational experience. Students have opportunities to engage in moot court competitions, debates, seminars, workshops, community-based legal clinics, and various cultural and sports events, fostering their personal growth and building essential skills beyond the classroom.

      At Khwopa College of Law, we strive to be more than just an educational institution. We aspire to be a nurturing ground for the next generation of legal leaders, who will drive positive change and shape a better future for the society.


      Anita Jadhari


More Recent Notices विद्यार्थी भर्ना बन्द गरिएको सम्बन्धी सूचना खाली हुन गएको कोटामा विद्यार्थी भर्ना लिने सम्बन्धी सूचना विद्यार्थीद्वय सरोज शिल्पकार र रोहित गुसाईलाई कलेजमा सम्पर्क गर्न आउने सम्बन्धमा जरुरी सूचना लेख रचना बुझाउने सम्बन्धी सूचना विद्यार्थी भर्ना बन्द गरिएको सम्बन्धी सूचना खाली हुन गएको कोटामा विद्यार्थी भर्ना लिने सम्बन्धी सूचना बीएएलएलबी दोस्रो वर्षको नियमित कक्षा सञ्चालन हुने सम्बन्धमा सूचना फागुण २८ 'ग्याल्पो ल्होसार'का दिन कक्षा तथा कार्यालय सञ्चालन हुने सम्बन्धमा सूचना छात्रवृत्तिमा सिफारिस भएका विद्यार्थीहरुको भर्ना सम्बन्धी सूचना बीएएलएलबी पहिलो वर्षको नियमित कक्षा सञ्चालन हुने सम्बन्धमा सूचना प्रि-बोर्ड परीक्षा-२०८० सम्बन्धी सूचना B.A.LL.B. को अन्तर्वार्ता सम्बन्धी तेस्रो सूचना छात्रवृत्तिमा सिफारिस भएका विद्यार्थीहरुको भर्ना सम्बन्धी सूचना दशैं-तिहार बिदा हुने सम्बन्धमा सूचना फूटसल, बास्केटबल, टेबलटेनिस र व्याडमिन्टन प्रतियोगिता हुने सम्बन्धमा सूचना B.A.LL.B. को अन्तरवार्ता सम्बन्धी सूचना B.A.LL.B. प्रवेश परीक्षाको नतिजा प्रकाशन सम्बन्धी सूचना ५ बर्षे B.A.LL.B प्रथम वर्षको परीक्षा आवेदन फाराम भर्ने सम्बन्धि सूचना प्रवेश परीक्षा सन्चालन हुने सम्बन्धमा सूचना भदौ २० गते कृष्णजन्माष्टमीका दिन नियमित कक्षा सञ्चालन हुने सम्बन्धमा सूचना


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